UNLOCKED - Year of the Tunnel (Pt. I): Chabad Lubavitch, Israeli Messianists, Golems, Chthonic Vibes, & Subterranean Liberation

ParaPower Mapping - En podcast af Klonny Gosch


Join the Independent Cork Board Researchers Union to gain access to the complete catalog of #1 PPM paranoid hits, the Discord, & the full version of "Year of the Tunnel (Pt. II)", which is dropping soon. Your support helps to keep the PPM Office lights on: patreon.com/ParaPowerMapping Dropping a Caterpillar dump truck sized load of evidence for why tunnels are very much the vibe in 2024. We're talking the recent Chabad Lubavitch tunnel fracas in Crown Heights; the life & times of the 7th Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson; his coziness w/ Israeli heads of state & prophecy claiming that the Era of Moshiach/ Messiah will begin during B*b* Netanyahoo's reign as Prime Minister; the faction of "radical" Israeli Tzfatim (bochurim) who began digging the tunnels under Chabad HQ at 770 Eastern Parkway in a bid to realize their deceased Rabbi's grand renovation plans, who they maintain will be resurrected as the Messiah; we connect the covert tunnel digging project to Chabad doctrine regarding "Techiyas HaMeisim" (river of fire) and "gilgul mehilot" (the bone-tumbling tunnels that are believed to open up to ferry Tzaddikim or righteous ones to Israel during the end times); we began to piece together an alternative history of Chabad & some of its incredibly sus connections in recent years, including to Z****** mouthpieces & likely assets like Shmuley_Boteach, Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeff Epstein, & Jonathan Pollard (oooh, *correction* I'm just now worrying I may have accidentally called Jonathan Pollard "Robert Pollard"—I've been known to confuse my indie songwriters & Z****** dbl agents in the past); we unpack the rampant CSA that's been endemic to Chabad in the past few decades; we consider whether the antisemitic & blood libelous attacks that the tunnel imbroglio invited may be playing into the hands of the Isntraeli ethnostate & their desire to hoodwink the public into believing that they're embattled & that antisemitism is spiking, as it serves as an effective propaganda cudgel for keeping their allies in line; we talk Kabbalah; messichists; numerology; Shawshank Redemption-inspired heists; a litany of evidence for why this is indisputably the "Year of the Tunnel"; Chinese treasure dragons; wishing for a "Saturn Return" for the Imperial Core lol; recent Chabad philosophizing about the distinctions b/w artificial intelligence and golems; we discuss the 8th Wonder of the World, the subterranean metropolis known as Lower Gaza; we mention the nonpareil psyoperator Yahya S*nwar and the remarkable fact that he convinced the Israeli prison authorities to agree to give him a lifesaving operation during his incarceration, as well as a speculative wonderment whether he's programmed his Z****** opps to cave (calling back to the PTCave EP lol); we examine Netan-yahoo's admin's weaponization & subversion of the "tunnel" as a liberatory symbol and attempts to merge it w/ fear appeals, atrocity propaganda, and his craven disinfo shitcoating of Palestinians as Hitlerites; we tour the recent tunnel simulation at Hostages Sq. in Tel Aviv, an example of Israel's installation apARTheid scene's ideological instrumentality; we find time for a goofy riff on pervy deity Pan giving the nymph Syrinx the chthonICK; and we end w/ a celebration of the revolutionary ethos of Tunnel Resistance.  Songs:  | Lana Del Rey - "Did You Know That There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Boulevard?" |  | Tom Waits - "Fish in the Jailhouse" |  | Bruce Springsteen - "Tunnel of Love" | 

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