Getting to Know You: Diana Zarowin

PeDRA Pearls - En podcast af Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance

Diana Zarowin is a fourth-year medical student at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. From the moment she joined PeDRA, Diana hit the ground running, participating in Focused Study Groups, applying for the PeDRA Mentorship Program, attending the PeDRA Annual Conference, and working with her mentors to prepare successful grant and fellowship applications. To date, she is the recipient of an Emerging Investigator Research Grant under the mentorship of Dr. Britt Craiglow and a PeDRA Research Fellowship award with Dr. James Treat. Most recently, she joined forces with Mattel to champion the Barbie Like Me campaign, putting dermatology-represented Barbies into the hands of young patients. Learn more about this incredible project, how her research supported by PeDRA has influenced her career aspirations, and the types of books she enjoys reading in her limited spare time. For more information about the Barbie Like Me campaign, please email PeDRA.

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