Monday Re-release: Reviewing and Publishing - How to Make an Impact in Pediatric Dermatology

Co-editors of Pediatric Dermatology, Lionel Bercovitch, MD, and Andrea Zaenglein, MD, and chair of PeDRA’s Outcomes Committee, Carrie Coughlin, MD, MPHS, offer guidance to reviewers on how to evaluate a manuscript and advice to authors on preparing a strong manuscript for submission. These skill sets are not only important for career success, but they help make a positive impact in the field of pediatric dermatology. To view the video version of this program, please click here. This program originally aired in July of 2022.

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The Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (PeDRA) is vibrant research network pursuing the mission to create, inspire, and sustain research to prevent, treat, and cure childhood skin disease.