Radical Mycology with Peter McCoy

Episode Highlights:Roles of fungi and mycelium play in living ecosystemsFungi evolved on land long before plantsHow to manage partnerships with fungi and plants (gardens, orchards, food forests, etc)Importance of mycorrhizal fungi Nutrient exchangeConnect plants to the wider forest ("The Wood Wide Web")Utilizing fungal inoculants for specific garden typesProducing your own garden inoculantsMyco-remediation and how fungi can break down even the most toxic compoundsAbout Peter McCoyPeter M...

Om Podcasten

The world is full of negative news and the planet is in crisis. This it can be downright disheartening and you feel that there is nothing that you can do. I am here to provide a different perspective. The Permaculture for the Future Podcast is about spreading positive and impactful stories, tips, and ways that each one of us can transition into a regenerative lifestyle. We talk about simple ways to make lifestyle changes and interview authors, teachers, and other folks that are collectively healing ourselves and the planet.If you want to make an ecological impact, stick around because this podcast is for you.