Fraggle Rock 1.6: The Preachification of Convincing John and the Dangers of Paternalism
Philosophers In Space - En podcast af Aaron Rabinowitz and Callie Wright

If you think about it "dance your cares away, worries for another day" has a horrifying ring to it when the cares in question concern the reproduction of systemic hierarchies through legitimizing narratives about the "natural" order. Is the Doozer motto "work your cares away, dancing is for another day", are they really expressing their authentic preference or merely a preference bred into them through generations of domestication by their Fraggle overlorders. OR, did an ancient, advanced Doozer society in fact domesticate the Fraggles to distract the Gorgs from feeding on Doozer, only to become a sub-altern species in the heirarchy that formed after the collapse of the golden age of Doozer/Fraggle relations. OOOOOR, is that itself just a speciestist mytho-historic narrative constructed by Fraggle scholars as yet another level of social control?! And what does all of this have to do with animal rights and paternalism in environmental ethics?! Let the music of the colonizers play and find out, down in Fraggle Rock! Fraggle Rock 1.6: Support us at Patreon: Join our Facebook discussion group (make sure to answer the questions to join): Email us at: [email protected] If you have time, please write us a review on iTunes. It really really helps. Please and thank you! Music by Thomas Smith: Sibling shows: Embrace the Void: Content Preview: Scavangers Reign Season One and parasitism vs. symbiosis.