PMIYC#190 Tiffanie DeBartolo Interview

This week Dave sat down to interview Tiffanie DeBartolo who 20 years ago wrote and directed the film Dream for an Insomniac. Tune in to hear about her experience as a first time Writer / Director in Hollywood and be sure to check out her latest work - being Record label Bright Antenna's Chief Executive Super Goddess - at  Follow Tiffanie @TiffanieD on Twitter. And check out her novels available on amazon. AND if you're a fan of Jennifer Aniston (who appears in Dream for an Insomniac) be sure to stay tuned to Pod Me If You Can for 'Friends Month' which will be on later this year. Enjoy!

Om Podcasten

An Australian Podcast on your favourite movies! Every week we cover a movie from Australian cinema to epic super hero movies such as The Avengers and Star Wars. We also cover cult films such as The Neon Demon and The Lobster. We also do reviews on our YouTube channel on obscure movies with famous stars. Be sure to go to our website for all the links. Please give us a like on Facebook and subscribe to us on YouTube. Feel free to recommend a movie on our Facebook page. Thanks so much for listening.