190: How to Quickly Gain Expertise in Your Coaching Niche

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


Perception is a huge factor in early coaching business success. The way that your target audience perceives you makes all the difference in how easily you attract clients, how many clients you enroll and how well you earn. Find the full transcript at prosperouscoach.com/190.So where does that leave you if you’re a new coach? Isn’t this a Catch 22? Well, no, because a new coach can show expertise from day one.Look I’m not talking about being an expert coach … although if you already have years of coaching under your belt and have coached hundreds of clients – that’s a certain kind of expertise that’s marketable. But a new coach wouldn’t have that yet.Your Experience Could Be a Primer for ExpertiseLet’s get a more fluid definition of expertise here.:What do you bring to the tableto help your target audience solve their BIG PROBLEM and reach their ultimate goalbased on your life and work experience?Sure, you might be new to coaching and/or new to running a business but you’re not new to life, are you?If you’re willing to go there and have amassed experience in a field, industry, role, a topic or even a certain stage of life it’s possible to leverage that when you choose a target audience and niche.So this is a big part of how I help coaches choose a profitable niche. I’m looking for what — in their personal story, life or work experience — is a clue to a great niche for them because I know how powerful preceived credibility is for people that are considering hiring you. Check out episode 85 – How Can New Coaches Be Perceived as Credible?Sometimes new coaches tell me they want to focus on a specific target audience and niche because they think that’s where the money is. For example, one coach, who had never worked a corporate job, wanted to become a corporate coach. Another who never had any business experience wanted to be a business coach.Well, that’s not going to fly, right? I mean what possible reason would those audiences have to work with those coaches? No reason I can think of. That will make enrolling clients nearly impossible.So, when you choose a target audience and niche it’s rarely a good idea to choose completely arbitrarily.By the way, while it may be true that there can be increased income potential in corporate or business coaching, the competition is fierce there. Every coach needs to find a way to STAND OUT!Before you decide to put a stake in the ground for a specific target audience and niche ask yourself: Why would they listen to me? Now I know that coaches can coach around any topic and they can coach any audience. But I’m not talking about who you could coach. I’m talking about who would HIRE YOU!When I help coaches choose their target audience and develop their coaching niche I encourage them to leverage their unique experience, knowledge and wisdom in career or life.Read another example, learn what agile expertise is and learn more & apply for Coaching B Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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