197: 4 Scheduling Tips From a Pro Coach

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


Okay, so this episode might seem like a good one to skip. But DON’T! You’ll be thanking me someday if you listen and pick up the 4 coaching business logistical tips I have for you. Find the full transcript for this episode at prosperouscoach.com/197.Here’s the new coach scenario … you get out of coach training and set up your potential client times on your calendar. If you’ve quit a job to start your coaching business you might think, well my clients have jobs and won’t be able to meet until evening and I should also offer a weekend day too.Or maybe you still have a full-time job and you’re trying to build your coaching business as a side hustle and, in that case, nights and weekends may be all you have to offer.Or, when you enrolled your first client, you just asked your new client what time is best for them and rearranged your life to make that work.With any of these scenarios, you might regret the decision to do what’s convenient for your client.Scheduling Tip #1: Don’t Pander to Your Coaching Client’s PreferencesI understand the impulse. You want to get clients so you’ll bend over backwards to make things easy for your prospects. Strangely, this is not a good practice if you want to stay in your coaching business for more than a few months.I’m guessing that part of the reason you want to be a coach is to work for yourself. To make your own decisions and do things your way. So do that from day one and make it your practice even if you haven’t enrolled a single client yet!Here’s a secret … when people hire professionals, they expect to fit into the openings that are left. But more importantly, if you don’t set boundaries on your business from the beginning when you don’t have any clients, you won’t like your life when you do have clientsI’m embarrassed to say it took me years to figure this out for myself.There’s a smart mindset here … ACT AS IF you are a coach in high demand right now. Make decisions for your business from that personally powerful place and not from the newbie mindset.Think about it this way, if you are a coach in high demand and a new client comes along you will only have maybe one or two potential time slots available on your calendar. And guess what … the new client will happily take what they can get!I know this hard to imagine this at the start because you are so eager to please. But if you’re eager to please what does that signal to prospects? That you are inexperienced, lack confidence and maybe even that you are desperate. That might sound harsh. It’s just something I’ve realized over time.Successful entrepreneurs value their time in every way. And isn’t it better to model the behavior you want to grow into?By the way, this is the same savvy mindset that will guide you to charge fees for a sustainable business AND life!So, set up your availability to suit your lifestyle. Do you go to Pilates on Tuesday and Thursday mornings? Great, don’t work until noon that day. Do you want to pick up your kids from school every day. Block out afternoons. Do you want a weekday off plus your weekend too. You can have it!Now, if you really believe that your audience is never going to be available when you most want to work that should influ Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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