209: How Will Your Ideal Coaching Clients Find You?

After choosing a niche, the #1 problem coaches face is attracting enough clients who are able and ready to hire them. Some days you feel like you’re working so hard and there’s this sense that no one is out there noticing. It’s de-motivating to say the least.I thought you might need a pep talk because there are so many surprising and wonderful ways that clients can find you IF you are strategic, consistent and speak the language of your audience.And it’s important to know that when you market or create content you are not just building relationships with potential clients for today but also with people who will hire you later. With every smart action you are securing your future in your coaching business. Find the full transcript for this episode at prosperouscoach.com/209 Related episodes:Episode 19 about how to enroll clientsEpisode 160 about how to be credible as a coachEpisode 51 about why coaching is a hard sell Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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Prosperous Coach Podcast is hosted by Rhonda Hess, international business mentor and niche strategist for new coaches. Her weekly show offers eye opening guidance and inspiration about how to choose a profitable coaching niche, create authentic messaging, design magnetic coaching programs and other topics to help you get noticed by ideal clients who will pay well. Rhonda also shares coaching tools, client management tips, money mindset and moving beyond limiting beliefs. Rhonda has over 20 years of experience in coaching, marketing, curriculum development, copy writing and editing. Learn about her VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough private step-by-step program to launch your coaching business. https://prosperouscoach.com/vip