179: Are You Worried About Promising Coaching Results?

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


So there you are. You’re trying to choose your niche. You’re trying to write your web copy. Or maybe you’re trying to figure out exactly what you help your ideal clients accomplish in your Signature Program. And, I hope you are!But you feel stuck. Fears and doubts are clouding your judgment. You are in danger of playing too small in your coaching business, which will cost you.You are worried about promising too much. After all, who are you to take a client’s fees and make them believe you can help them achieve … anything!?This 179th free episode of Prosperous Coach Podcast is about that worry that you might be promising too much. Get ready for a mindset shift! Find the full transcript of this episode at prosperouscoach.com/179Experienced Coaches Don’t Worry About Promising Too MuchSo first, all new coaches worry about over-promising. But experienced coaches don’t. What do you think is going on there? It’s certainly NOT because they soft pedaled the specific outcomes they help their clients achieve. Because coaches who stay safe in their messaging will not attract and enroll enough clients to survive in their business.And it’s NOT because they are lying. You can’t stay in business long as a coach if you don’t operate from integrity.So where is the line between what you can promise and what you shouldn’t promise?Well, here’s the eye opener … don’t promise anything!Both Coach and Client Have Responsibilities But They Aren’t the SameI don’t promise my clients anything. I help them make smarter decisions and take more strategic actions.You see, I can’t promise anything because ultimately my client’s success is not up to me. No matter how good my guidance is and how well I work with them, in the end, THEY have to make things happen. That’s why my motto and podcast sign off are: Stay inspired and make things happen! My motto is not: With my help you can achieve anything!If they don’t make things happen that’s not on me. That doesn’t mean I don’t care and do all I can to support them to success.This should be a relief, because your clients’ results are not on you either. Period. And that may be a bit humbling because you might have been under the impression that you will make THE difference between whether your coaching clients sink or swim with regard to their goals and your niche.Nope.What Exactly Can You Control, Coach?Let’s think this through. This is a matter of survival and mastery for you. Read about what you CAN control and CAN'T control and how that affects what you offer your clients. Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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