183: Do This 2x Each Week to Enroll More Coaching Clients

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


This episode is about how to focus your mind and prioritize your time in your coaching business so you can attract a constant stream of new clients and earn well. Find the full transcript at prosperouscoach.com/183 plus get my free download to help you ace your enrollment conversations.When you’re in your first few years of your coaching business you are learning so many things. There’s the coaching process with clients, basics of running a business and all the marketing pieces plus client management.It is challenging to keep your focus on the most effective things to bring the results you want. That’s often why results come slowly for anyone in startup.Once you begin to get comfortable with most tasks – creating content, social posts, finding your audience and connecting in a more high-touch way – it’s time to turn your attention to the most strategic things you can do to earn well as a coach. Do Everything in Your Coaching Business with the Desired End in MindFor too many years in my own business, I simply focused on crossing tasks off the list – doing what I thought I should be doing day to day and week to week. I was just hoping I would get some traction! Then, a more experienced coach and business owner told me to do everything with the end in mind.That was a big AHA and I felt a bit foolish that I hadn’t been thinking that way all along. The desired end goal for me was attracting a steady stream of ideal clients that would pay me well. Isn’t that a goal for you as well?So, I thought … what’s the metric that I should be paying attention to now that will help me most? When you’re in a service business every enrolled client requires an enrollment opportunity. So, getting prospects into Discovery Calls is the metric to focus the most on. And not just a Discovery Call with anyone but someone who is ready for it.2 Mistakes Related to Discovery Calls That Coaches MakeThere’s an ineffective and a much more effective way to have a free call with prospects. Most coaches I meet are doing what I did – the wrong approach and way too soon. These are the 2 mistakes:1.     Putting a button or link on your website for visitors to sign up for a Discovery Session or Call with you.Have you done this? Look, I get the impulse. You think “Time with me is my valuable free offer!”That’s too much too soon! Timing your offers is important. And who besides coaches will know what a Discovery Call is or that they want it? So it’s not a good idea to wave that phrase around at this point.A strategic lead magnet is a better free offer. Check out episode 124 called Does a Coach Need a Lead Magnet?Learn the other mistake and why NOT to put up a free call on your website here. Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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