172: The Fastest Way to Get Overwhelmed in Your Coaching Business

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


This episode is about anxiety that some coaches feel caused by one specific action they take repeatedly. It can keep you from moving forward in your coaching business and enjoying the journey. Find the full transcript at prosperouscoach.com/172.I once worked with a coach who kept backsliding between sessions. We’d have a dynamic conversation in session. Their passion would pour forth. Certainty would click into place and I’d set them onto a task to take their decision into action.A day or two later all the certainty had dissolved and in its place was paralyzing overwhelm and doubt.We’d meet again and the passion would come back full force. They would leave the session feeling sure of their direction and ready to take action. But then a few days later slide back into a deep internal struggle.I have great compassion for all new coaches. These highly intelligent and personally powerful human beings can really going through it!I’ve been there and specifically at that tender time of just beginning to build my coaching business. I remember the lost feeling. The belief that I didn’t have what it takes.In both my case and I believe this coach’s case as well, we were getting in our own way. It’s not unusual to get stuck repeatedly when you’re doing many things for the first time and taking a big risk to build a business.There was one thing this coach was doing repeatedly that stole away their fire and sense of purpose … Googling other coaches websites and social channels in their coaching niche.You’ve done that, right? You wonder if it will give you a clue and maybe it will affirm your direction. But it does just the opposite. The comparison monster rears it’s ugly head and fills you with doubts. Am I good enough?Can I do this?Those other coaches have so much more going for themselves!I don’t have enough credentials.Maybe I should give up!Shame rises up along with fears that spiral into a big story you tell yourself.What can you do? Three things …1. Invite the Emotional Part to Have a RestSometimes drama is high and gets more accentuated over time when you’re not in action. These feelings don’t necessarily mean anything about your future. But they feel all consuming in the moment.A while ago I did some Internal Family Systems parts work to help me through a difficult time. I highly recommend the workbook called Parts Work: An Illustrated Guide to Your Inner Life by Tom & Laurie Holmes. It’s something you can read and get value from on your own or work on it with a therapist who know the concept.With guidance, a bit of self-awareness and spontaneous action with a crayon I was able to quickly draw the most prominent characters of my inner family. These are the parts that drive me through my d Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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