170: Get Into the Habit of Drawing Out Your Genius

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


This episode is inspired by all my VIP clients, who are far more intelligent and gifted than they give themselves credit for. You too are gifted and intelligent. Believe it! Find the full transcript at prosperouscoach.com/170.Being the CEO of your own coaching business is a great way to uncover and set loose your creativity. I’m not talking about poetry writing, painting and sculpting here. I’m talking about the vast reserves of your innate ability to create something from nothing. Out of thin air.When I started as a coach I had no idea I would create so much. I figured that everyone else’s ideas were better than mine and that I would read books and apply those ideas to my coaching. Know what I mean?Create From What’s Inside of YouWell, sure, I did some of that. But I will tell you … I feel much more engaged in my business when I create from my own ideas. I’ve created my own models for processes, my own terms and a lot more. I’ve shared those with you. Coaches tell me that they understand complex things that they didn’t before because of those unique models and words.You can do this and more too. I’m here to tell you it’s both challenging and meaningful. All things that are meaningful have a large dose of challenge in them.In 2001, I was 3 years into my coaching business and was the Treasurer for the Denver chapter of the International Coach Federation. The president of the board was Will Craig. Will has creativity coming out of his pores … all day long. I’ve never met a person who is more the director of their own life. He is unstoppable. If Will wants something he will make it happen! Creating a business for him was child’s play. And this is the potential for you. Your coaching business could feel like play. Can you imagine that? It’s a mindset.Rise to the Occasion of Your Coaching BusinessI was blessed in more ways than I can count when Will asked me to be a trainer for his new coach training company. That was the start of something hugely satisfying and profitable for me that has affected my whole coaching career. It became a point of credibility and a prosperous network for me. It grew my confidence.They say if you teach a thing you become the master of that thing.One year later, Will asked me to co-author new curriculum for his coach training school. His belief in me was stunning! I didn’t know how to write curriculum! But I rose to the occasion.It’s time for you to do that if you haven’t already … rise to the occasion of your coaching business. Rise to each of the occasions that show up in that territory.Will gave me some guidelines and encouraged me to think like a beginner. Over the next few months I dug deep inside myself to write something I’d only 3 years ago learned to do ­— coach!I knew I had to create something original — to figure out my unique perspective and come up with a fresh coaching model. It was a birthing process.I’m amazed my marriage survived this time. But you know what? My husband, Seth, helped me greatly by interviewing me about each chapter’s topics. That would get me writing.By the way, that’s a writing tip. If you’re having trouble getting your words Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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