185: Have You Found the Sweet Spot in Your Coaching Business?

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


Today’s episode is about the intersection of 3 things that could raise your coaching business above the competition for clients. When you know what that intersection is and organize your business around it everything gets easier.Find the full transcript for this episode at prosperouscoach.com/185.Have you ever heard of the sweet spot? In your coaching business, your sweet spot is that place where you are reliably earning well for a unique service you provide that’s in high demand.You are THE BEST at this specific thing and it is highly prized by your ideal clients, who look for, find you and hire you with enthusiasm.You get a lot of satisfaction from helping others through your sweet spot. It makes your heart sing!Now, your sweet spot is not coaching. It’s a lot more specific than that. It’s not your target audience or coaching niche either, although knowing and targeting those will help you get closer to your sweet spot so figure those out first.Your sweet spot is the overlap between 3 things:1.     What you are best at that makes you STAND OUT in the crowd2.     That you also enjoy doing repetitively and can grow expertise in3.     And that your audience highly desires and will readily invest inAll businesses, from solo businesses all the way up to big corporations, are trying to find their sweet spot in this crowded marketplace and make that part of their brand. You’ll see companies rebrand, change in dramatic ways and often narrow their focus to their sweet spot when they’ve found it.This is niching at its best.The Treasure Hunt for GreatnessYour sweet spot is generally not obvious from the start. It’s something you grow into.In the early 2000’s I was struggling to attract enough coaching clients to sustain my business. Most coaches are intimately familiar with that struggle at some point. I think that’s because most coaches start too broad and try to sell coaching as if that in itself is something people want.I was searching for answers in all the wrong places – purchasing training programs and enrolling in masterminds hoping to find what one of my clients calls his True North. I remember attending a seminar for coaches that was about finding that sweet spot. I left as frustrated as I started. The presenter kept pushing the idea of passion.What’s your passion? What do you feel passionate about? What’s your purpose?I didn’t KNOW! I felt so lost and ashamed that I couldn’t answer that question.Years later I realized that was the wrong question for me. For some that language isn’t a good fit. Remember that when you’re coaching. Your client may need a different question or approach altogether than your previous clients. Not everyone identifies with purpose and passion. But it might be the right question for you.Hear this … your sweet spot is not something that will be revealed on day 1 of your coaching business. It takes time to realize how you stand out in the crowd a Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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