85: How Can New Coaches Be Perceived As Credible?

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


You’ve heard that you need to build the know-like-trust factor with your target audience before they’ll hire you. It’s true. Imagine that your ideal clients reach out to hire you already feeling a deep connection with you and want what you offer. It raises their willingness to invest at a high level and fully dedicate themselves to the work But how can you convey credibility as a brand new coach?That’s what today’s episode is about.To answer that question, let’s turn this around. Shift your perspective on the problem. It’s nearly always the best way to solve problems.What inspires YOU to feel that a resource is trustworthy?Some people say things like credentials, years in business, reviews or testimonials. Absolutely. Those things help.But there’s something that grabs attention and builds trust even faster …Coaching Prospects Trust Coaches Who Understand ThemI hear constantly from clients, prospects and fans of my podcast that they feel like I’m speaking directly to them. Someone wrote me today saying: “I’m beginning to think your podcasts are written for me.”That is your goal.Coaching prospects will trust you if they feel understood by you. And this is the territory where brand new coaches can get real traction.As a new coach you’d be unlikely to have loads of credentials or relevant testimonials. You haven’t had the chance to build up social credibility online. And, you don’t have ‘word of mouth’ going for you yet. So instead, put your attention on KNOWING your audience inside and out.I just received an email from a company that wants to promote my podcast. It took me all of 5 seconds to decide to toss that email. Not only did they not even use my name, I could see that they had not bothered to research me at all. It’s arguable that they know little about the challenges and goals of podcasters.That’s a stupid and wasteful way to develop a business.I get countless requests to connect on LinkedIn from supposed experts pushing out blasts to all coaches promising to help them get a steady stream of clients. It’s clear from what they write that they don’t understand coaches. They haven’t bothered to look at my profile. They searched “coach” and then put out the same basic message as thousands before them – all of whom I summarily blew off.Don’t ever market like this. You will LOSE CREDIBILITY so fast. And essentially it’s spamming. Never spam.Do Your Homework CoachDo your homework! Your future and current clients are your most important asset. Treat them with great respect and speak to them with relevance.Here you are — a coach – someone who loves people and wants to help them achieve something grand. Well, before you throw up that website selling coaching take the time to choose a specific target audience, research that group lovingly, then speak their language.This concept of speaking your target audience’s language and contextualizing all of your copy and offers to fit them like a glove is the crux of Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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