184: How to Charge More for Your Coaching

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


If you’ve never run a business before it can feel scary to charge enough to sustain you and also open yourself up to bigger opportunities. There are 4 mindset shifts to make. You can do this! Find the full transcript at prosperouscoach.com/184.Fear of charging enough is one of the reasons why so many coaches close up their businesses before they gain traction. In other words … even as a new coach it’s critical that you learn to charge well for your services. Mindset Shift #1 — Investing is EmpoweringAfter 23 years of working with clients, I believe with all my heart that when you charge well for your services, everyone wins.It comes down to this … when people invest in themselves they get more out of the experience. When you charge prices that feel like an investment to your clients they will invest energetically into their own growth. It’s a win - win.Whereas charging low fees is a lose - lose.Don’t get me wrong … there is never a need to gouge people or be a mercenary. Simply honor yourself. Do what is right for you. Then you will embody your own vision of success. Realize that if your business doesn’t make it, you won’t be able to help others through coaching.Think of times when you’ve invested in yourself from your own pocket. You were, in that moment, at the cause of your life rather than the effect.And the more you focused on receiving the benefits from your investment, the more you evolved. It’s empowering in a life changing way. The reverse is also true. When you pay for something that isn’t at least a bit of a stretch there’s less intention behind the action and less attention to squeezing all the value out of that thing.You also become empowered by earning. And I’m not talking about driving yourself towards a business that steals life away from you. I’m talking about feeling fulfilled while you ensure that you can stay in business. When you realize that you can earn well you step more fully into your personal power — it is part of self-actualization.Hear this …  earning your livelihood as a coach takes nothing away from someone else, especially if you make sure that you and your offer stands out in the crowd. Niche down. Target a unique audience. Offer a Signature Program.  Things I teach my clients and more.There is plenty for everyone. Your ideal clients will hire YOU because it feels right. And isn't that what we want?Mindset Shift #2 – Own Your RightI’ve met new coaches who question their right to have a business. If you haven’t already, start owning that right to:·      Be in business for yourself·      Earn well·      Create, innovate and leadTake your place in the world! Being a business owner gives you a unique opportunity to do things your way, work with the best clients, do what you really want to do. Yes, YOU can have this thriving business serving people.Mindset Shift #3 – Factor In the CostsTo read about Mindset Shift #3 and #4 click here. Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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