87: How to Rise Above Skeptics of Your Coaching Business

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


This episode is a super short but potent. Find the show notes at prosperouscoach.com/87.Do you ever have the feeling that people in your inner circle aren’t supporting your choice to grow a coaching business?It can be subtle … family or friends seem not to take interest when you talk about it. Their eyes glaze over or they change the subject quickly.Or it can be overt … someone directly questions your wisdom in starting a coaching business or taking a bold step in it.Or it can be in shadow where someone teases you about coaching. Coaching is misunderstood by most people. The field’s reputation has been damaged by too many people calling themselves a coach who aren’t and it’s been made fun of in the media.It’s one of the reasons why I encourage coaches not to sell coaching but rather target a narrow viable audience and solve a problem. You’ll use your coaching to serve your clients but not try to convince prospects of the value of coaching.Coaching is a toolbox not what people will buy. For more about this critical mindset shift for new coaches listen to the LISTENER’S CHOICE episode # 7 at prosperouscoach.com/7. And also learn more about in episode #65 at prosperouscoach.com/65.Skepticism Is About the Skeptic Not YouSometimes, skepticism comes in the form of strong opinions about what you should or should not do in your business. Sometimes as I’m working with a VIP client to build their business foundation I’ll hear that their spouse or a trusted friend has criticized their move to target a narrow audience and focus their niche. People who aren’t in the know about marketing and business often think niching is counter-intuitive – that’s a amateur blunder. Narrowing and niching is highly strategic. Counter intuitive moves often are.Another scenario with skeptic is that you ask directly for support — such as asking friends to share your posts on social channels — but you get no takers amongst your inner circle. Just silence.And sometimes it’s just a look in someone’s eyes. Let’s say you decide to invest in an expert to grow your business and you get a baleful look as if it’s crazy to invest in your success. It’s not. Investing in business startup is smart, normal and unavoidable.Whatever the situation, it feels lousy when you encounter indifference or skepticism for your choices. And, it can derail you from your vision.I call these folks and situations “petty tyrants” – a concept taken from Carlos Castaneda. A petty tyrant is a naysayer. Sometimes they can be downright cruel about it. But most often that person means well.What’s really going on is that person is concerned for you because you’re taking a risk they would not take.Or more likely they are envious because you’re taking a risk they wish they had the courage to take themselves.A Test Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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