126: Is Your Lead Magnet Too Coachey?

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


This episode is the 3rd in my new series about Lead Magnets. Find the show notes at prosperouscoach.com/126.In all the time I’ve been an entrepreneur, I’ve downloaded hundreds of freebies.I’ve gone seeking solutions to specific problems, found websites and lead magnets that seem to address my problem.I give my name and email, somewhat begrudgingly I must say, and faithfully go through the process to download my prize.I’ll be honest, I can still count on one hand the free offers that have provided real insight, delight or a sense of desire to pay for the services of the person who wrote the freebie. And in each of those cases I did hire them.But really, 5 out hundreds. That’s not good odds.Is that your experience too?So what do you do then? If you’re like me the lead magnet goes quickly into the trash and with the next email I receive from that person, I’m unsubscribing and feeling like I’ve just swept up the messy crumbs of an unsatisfying snack that wasn’t worth the calories.Obviously, you don’t want THAT to be what happens with the people who opt in for your freebie.5 Goals Your Coaching Freebie Must AchieveLook, your goal isn’t just to get the name and email of a person in your target audience. It’s to keep those people on your list long enough to build a sense of trust. You want them to perceive you as a credible solution to their specific problems and desires.So you have to think this through before you throw any old freebie up on your website.1.     How will you entice them to opt-in? (More about this in future episode. Clue: It’s partially about titling)2.     How will you inspire them to at least skim but hopefully read most of your lead magnet?3.     How will you deliver UNIQUE insights, tips, tools or simple exercises that will impress them?4.     How will you make them want to read your About copy and make yourself credible?5.     How will influence them to take a next step with you without being salesy?In my 5 month VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough program, I collaborate with coaches to help them create a memorable lead magnet that does all 5 of these things. It’s not easy, but it’s absolutely doable and I have a process.Most Coaches Freebies Miss the MarkThe initial free offers most coaches create early on tend to be too coachey. By this I mean they are on typical coaching topics like:·      work/life balance·      values·      imposter syndrome·      confidence·      fulfillment·      life purpose·      authenticity·      boundaries·      gratitude·      stress·      goal settingThese are topics all coaches enjoy coaching about. And while there is no doubt that you could provide value on one of these topics, this information is out there on the internet in millions of hits.So it might be a good idea before you create your lead magnet content that you Google the topic and see how much there is out there about it.3 Ways to Increase Uniqueness in Your Coaching Lead MagnetNow, there really isn’t anything wholly new under the sun. But that doesn’t mea Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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