83: Overwhelm is a Bad Habit Coaches Need to Break Now

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


I’m tired of overwhelm. Aren’t you?Nothing sucks the joy out of your coaching business like that over-burdened feeling:·      An endless to do list·      The overflowing inbox·      Too many learning curves to climbI know overwhelm. I remember what it feels like to launch. It’s a project with so many moving parts and you can easily get ahead of yourself.The truth is, most often overwhelm is a bad habit wanting to be broken. Whatever your reasons, some part of you is choosing to feel overwhelmed. It’s a choice. But it’s not a conscious choice.Like in the story of the boy who cried "wolf", your brain and body has been trained to perceive challenges as emergencies.You’re actually OK, but you don't believe that you are OK.Now is your opportunity to teach yourself how to be conscious and not choose overwhelm. The are 4 main reasons overwhelm occurs:1.     Non-stop stimulation2.     Chronic disorganization3.     Scarcity consciousness4.     Lack of inner resourcesAnd, as this episode is coming out during the 2020 pandemic and the uprising after George Floyd’s murder, there’s so much pain and sorrow, fear and hope about what has and what could happen. That takes energy.It actually means you can’t do as much as before.Sure, you can push through but there are consequences to that and it won’t help the sense of overwhelm.Now, don’t get me wrong. I do encourage you to keep moving forward on your business as you can. Be gentle with yourself.These days I feel done with my day by 2:00pm. It means I’m getting less done than I used to. And with the rest of my day I need to do more to re-source.Coach, Turn Off the Firehouse of InformationThere's so much coming into our psychic space all the time — we're rarely without connection to global media (much of it anxiety-ridden especially right now).So first, to rehabilitate your brain and overwhelm habit, consider a media diet a few times each week. Thoughtfully control what you watch, read and listen to.You need mental downtime to get ready to effectively learn and grow.  Think of your brain like a basin. Information coming in is like the flow coming from a faucet. If you leave the flow on full, your brain is soon overflowing and you’re in overwhelm.Do you find yourself signing up on lists, attending lots of free courses, purchasing too many programs?It’s tempting, I know. But most likely it’s increasing not decreasing overwhelm.How often are you actually implementing what’s taught in those emails, posts and programs? Most coaches cannot possibly take action on the amount of how-to information they access daily.Taking action is like the drain of the basin. It's what makes the space for more useful information, like allowing learning to be integrated and leveraged.Turn off your info-jones:Develop the habit of mining your own wisdom, experience and knowledge first.Reach only for in Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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