91: Should You Launch Your Coaching Business at a Better Time?

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


I hope a day will come very soon when new listeners come across this episode and Corona Virus is a dim memory. I dream of that day when we’re all free to hug, hang out without distancing and go to work and school safely.At this point, the pandemic has been going on a lot longer than we all imagined.Many coaches are hesitating to launch their business even though they are as ready as they will ever be.They are thinking:“It’s not a good time to launch a business because no one can afford the services I offer.”This misunderstanding is why I wanted to do a mini episode on this topic. Find the show notes at prosperouscoach.com/91Should You Launch Your Coaching Business Now?So, you probably know what I’m going to say … YES! Now is always the best time to launch your business!You can’t let global crises shut you down.In fact, it’s just the opposite.During a crisis is THE best time to be doing meaningful work. It’s THE best time to get your messages and offers out into the market place. It’s THE best time to respond to your calling.Why?2 Reasons Why Now is the Best Time1.     YOU deserve to be doing whatever will bring you the most joy as soon as you can.2.     It’s during a crisis that people become more serious about making positive lifetime changes.Think about it … if your prospects are seekers — people who do invest in their personal or professional growth — they are looking around them right now and thinking: “This is not what I’m supposed to be doing.”That dream for something better … a healthier body, a more dynamic career, to become their own boss, to improve their marriage, to help their kids thrive — whatever specific BIG PROBLEM has been dogging them is now fully in their face. We are all facing what is dysfunctional about us during this crisis.It’s painful. That issue becomes ACUTE rather than chronic. They think … “What am I waiting for? Life is precious! I won’t stop myself from what I want any longer!” And the old tapes that used to play in their heads during the status quote get replace “Get off your butt and make things happen!” You see, crisis wakes people up. When things are easier, human beings get lulled to sleep. They live in a well worn groove on default mode.But when the day to day chaos is shaken up, that’s when human beings rise up out of their stupor.For my business, the first two months of the pandemic were a bit quiet and then it was like the flood gates opened. I’ve never had so many sign ups, inquiries and enrollments as I have now. My income is higher than ever. Demand for working with me is off the charts.That could be you.I’ve talked to other coaches who say their business is at an all time high.And we’ve looked back at earlier crises together and realized the same thing. Remember the financial crisis of 2008. It affected nearly every country drastically. My business surged then too.Here’s the other thing you might not realize if you haven’t owned a business before … it’s smart to get to the market fast.The information age makes it much harder to be unique and to stand out. If you wait to get out there someone else may fill your shoes.And I realize some people are overwhelmed with kids at Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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