158 Test Your Coaching Niche Profitability with 5 Powerful Questions

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


This episode is meant to help you earn more by strategically determining your coaching niche and all that goes with it. Find the show notes at prosperouscoach.com/158.When coaches ask me in a Strategy Session: "Is this a good coaching niche?" What they really want to know but don’t know to ask is:Will focusing my energy this way repay me with a consistent flow of clients who are willing to invest?That's the 6-figure question.A strategically determined coaching niche is the linchpin for your financial success. Without that direction and focus your messages and offers will be vague and won’t capture attention. Which means you won’t have that consistent flow of paying clients.A profitable coaching niche helps you to:Quickly become a coach in high demand through momentum.Leverage your efforts and contextualize your messages and offers, instead of being all over the place.Command higher fees.Test the financial viability of your current coaching niche with these 5 powerful questions:POWERFUL QUESTION #1: Does Your Coaching Service One Specific and Viable Audience?If not, consider narrowing your audience to a specific group before you go much further in your biz.A target audience is a specific audience that’s small enough to help you stand out in the crowd. It is not a coaching track or a coaching topic.So, for instance, your target audience isn’t relationship coaching. That’s a track, a general topic. Your target audience isn’t even a specific topic, such as dating.An audience is a group of PEOPLE with unique goals and big problems in the way of that.Since coaching is all about people, shouldn’t your marketing and services be tailor made to one group? You cannot tailor make something that’s for everyone or even for a big amorphous group. Don't try that.The narrow audience I used in episode 140 called What is Missing In Your Coaching Niche was single parents who want to date successfully. Single parents have specific dating problems and specific dating goals that a relationship coach could specialize in.Go for a group that’s that narrow and you’ll magnify profitability. That may seem contrary to you. But take the advice of every marketing guru I’ve ever known – target a specific narrow audience. Your life will be easier.POWERFUL QUESTION #2: What is the BIG OUTCOME your narrow audience wants?People want. And when they want they are driven to get.I know it sounds basic, maybe even base, and it kind of is. For people that have their basic needs regularly met, the drive to get what they WANT is even stronger than the drive to get what they need.Episode 99 was about this. It’s called What Coaching Clients Want Vs. What You Think They Need,.I remember being oriented around people’s needs after coach training. I tried to market to needs. But then I realized that focusing on needs wasn’t going to result in clients who invest well over the long term.In other words, I couldn’t make a decent income focusing my coaching on needs.It is said … “offer what they want and then help them get what they need.”If you don’t know specifically Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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