82: The Mindset Shift That Helps You Charge More with Coaching Clients

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


This will be a super short episode. And it’s part of the Smart Mindsets & Habits series.I feel so honored that when I work with my clients I get to see them shift their mindset in ways that will help them succeed faster at this game called entrepreneurship.By the way, thinking of building your coaching business as a game is one way to take the pressure off and enjoy the journey.So the specific mindset I’m digging into today is about OWNING your right:·      Own your right to be in business for yourself·      Own your right to earn well·      Own your right to live the life you wantThat may sound odd. Let me explain.My Early Coaching Business Was An AlbatrossWhen I was new to my own coaching business I treated myself like I didn’t deserve to be in business, like I didn’t deserve to earn well and have the life I want. Here’s what I did:1.     I overcomplicated my business model by offering too many options. 2.     I undervalued myself and charged way too little to sustain my business. 3.     I over-delivered in every way. 4.     I was too accommodating with my schedule.5.     I allowed late payments.6.     Ultimately, I didn’t think through what I wanted and plot a strategic course to get there.Bottom line … I was operating unconsciously in my coaching business. I was driven by a mindset that doesn’t go well with being the CEO of a business. Big mistake.A few years in, I realized that I had created a monster — a business that was complex, running me ragged and paying me poorly.Its part of the reason why I now teach coaches to create a Simple Coaching Business Model and to strategically grow their business from the get go.The Big Takeaway for CoachesSo here’s the secret I want you to come away with from this episode … ACT AS IFAct as if you are already in high demand.There are 7 ways I can think of that will help you do this:1.     First decide what you want your life to be like.2.     Strategize every step of your business development to fit that vision.3.     Only offer times on your schedule that you truly want to work.4.     Only offer exactly what you want to offer and not what you think you should offer.5.     Create a low overhead, easy to manage business.6.     Treat yourself with the respect you want your colleagues, prospects and clients to have for you.7.     Charge prices that will help you reach your financial goals right NOW!Imagine the difference between a business where you act like you deserve all the perks that come with being your own boss and a business where you act like you don’t deserve that.Read more about how to ACT AS IF . Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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