144: When is the Most Effective Time to Promote Your Coaching Business?

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


This episode is inspired by a recent look at my business analytics, which are confirming that my business is surging right now and yours could be too! Find the full transcript for this episode at prosperouscoach.com/144.What are business analytics and why am I talking about them? Well you can’t know what times are most effective for promotion unless you set up and track analytics. Sound complicated? Not really.For me, there are 7 sets of numbers I regularly review and track that tell me how many people:1.     are on my website and how long they engage there2.     are subscribing to get my freebie3.     open and click through on the links in my emails4.     listen to my podcast and what percentage of the episode they listen to5.     respond to my posts on social channels.6.     fill out my application to work with me and sign up for a Discovery Call7.     are enrolling in a Strategy SessionThese are all my opportunities for a future connection with a person who could become my paying client. What opportunities have you set up to connect and attract paying clients?I’ve made every aspect of my business — my website, my lead magnet, my podcast and more — highly visible and compelling for my target audience. I never do any type of promoting to a general audience.Monitor Analytics About Your Coaching BusinessDo you have stats about your business that you’re watching? If not, I encourage you to set up processes to attract ideal clients and keep their attention. Then figure out how you can measure that. Apps make this easy.If you do have numbers you can review, what do you do with them? Soon I’ll do an episode about this. For now, I’ll just say … never let your stats depress you. Instead let them spur you to action.So, my question in the title of this episode — when is the most effective time to promote your coaching business — is a bit of a trick question. The truth is that it’s best to promote all the time. All. The. Time.Never Hard Sell Your Coaching ProspectsAnd I want to make it clear I’m not talking at all about constantly asking people to hire you or posting ads all the time. I don’t believe in that pushy approach.If you’re running your coaching business the way I do and the way I teach my clients in my VIP program, you are using the simplest coaching business model and have built a beautiful customer journey so your ideal clients steadily flow right to you ready to enroll. I’m not advocating hard selling. Consistent non-salesy marketing is the best approach for coaches.My new clients tell me that one reason they chose me over other business mentors for coaches is because I didn’t hard sell them … ever. They never felt I was pushing or attached to them hiring me.So take away this point today … run your business so that you’re promoting in a non-salesy way all the time. Do that by getting in front of Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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