167: Why You Get Stuck After Coach Training - Updated

Prosperous Coach Podcast - En podcast af Rhonda Hess, International Business Coach & Niche Strategist - Tirsdage


This episode is about why you (and every new coach) get stuck and 4 ways to breakthrough to forward momentum again. Find the full transcript at prosperouscoach.com/167.You've been learning a lot, cramming coaching techniques into your head and transforming yourself from the inside out. Coach training sets the pace and you keep on going until you graduate and stuff gets REAL!It's time to shift from student coach mode to professional coach mode. They are very different states of mind and practice. Learning curves accelerate because the business side of coaching is more complex than the coaching skills side.And suddenly you're stuck. The best thing to do is get back into strategic action as soon as you can. However, if you don't exactly know what to do you’re still stuck. I’ll address that in a minute.All Coaches Feel the Imposter SyndromeAlso you may have a mental block and feel you’re not worthy. Imposter Syndrome is one of the main reasons new coaches get stuck.So the first way to get unstuck is to acknowledge that this is a familiar place. You’ve felt this before and you're not alone here. There’s nothing wrong with you.Consider your many skills and accomplishments that brought you here. You're an intelligent, talented and thoughtful human being. Now get into the habit of giving yourself a pat on the back for whatever you learn or take action on.You'll feel instantly better.Creating Your Coaching Business Alone is DiscouragingThe second reason you get stuck is trying to do everything on your own. And this gets back to that issue of not knowing what to do.Overwhelm is a courage and momentum killer. Chances are, you're literally drowning in information overload right now. You’re plucking bits of advice from here and there and none of it really fits together.There's this mountain to climb and it looks like it's going to take years, so you are tempted to give up … just slide back into your old life.But then shame creeps in because you feel like you've wasted a lot of time and money on coach training. You can’t let yourself and your family down!So here's a rule ... take a bit of information in, and then take some sort of action to integrate what you've learned. Incremental learning is going to give you an ever-expanding comfort zone and that feels good. And, consider sourcing your advice all from ONE place.To get unstuck fast ...Read about more ways to get unstuck and surge forward successfully in your coaching business. Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.

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