Season I: EP04 - PrEPping adolescent girls and young women

Oral PrEP has proven to be a highly effective strategy in preventing HIV infection in adolescent girls and young women. However, challenges remain in supporting the proper and sustained use of PrEP among this highly vulnerable group. This episode outlines the evidence and lessons from implementation, as well as key considerations highlighted through a recent PrEP think tank centred on adolescent girls and young women, facilitated by UNICEF and the Global Fund. This was supported by partners including WHO AFRO. This podcast is brought to you by UNICEF, The Global Fund and HER Voice Fund. UNICEF Africa

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Welcome to Radio 4000, a podcast for implementers working to improve HIV and sexual reproductive health services for adolescent girls and young women. Each week, 4000 adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa acquire HIV.Radio 4000 was created as a platform to discuss and respond. Our goal is to amplify their voices and to centre their preferences and experiences. We share stories, best practises and tools to improve your everyday work.This podcast is made possible by UNICEF in partnership with the Global Fund and the Her Voice FundRadio 4000 engage, enable empower.