Episode 12 - Mail from Listeners

If there's something you don't understand, it's always good to ask. The professor answers the questions about past episodes that Radio D listeners have sent in. The listeners ask and the professor answers, getting to the root of every question. It's a good opportunity for the listeners to review information, expand their knowledge, or just ask something they always wanted to know. Listen for these question from the listeners -- and the professor's answers to each of them: Which address is suitable for which situation? When can I use "du" or "Sie"? How do I introduce myself? When do I know when to use first or last names? What do modal particles like "denn," "doch," and "eigentlich" mean? What is the difference between "nicht" and "nichts"?

Om Podcasten

German for beginners: Paula and Philipp are Radio D reporters who have several mysterious cases to investigate. Join them as their research takes them across Germany -- and learn German along the way! [English Version]