Episode 03: Shining On After Losing Twins with Remembrance Run Founder Amber Meegan

In this episode I interview Amber Meegan, who founded the Shine On Run for pregnancy and Infant Loss in San Antonio, Texas. After losing her twin boys, Amber discovered that running gave her a sense of renewed strength and healing. This inspired her to create a remembrance run supporting other loss moms as well as their families and friends and also celebrating rainbow babies. Amber has three rainbow babies and talks about her story of loss, pregnancy after loss, and parenting after loss.I hope my conversation with Amber is a light to you wherever you are on your journey. Amber’s had ten years to reflect on the loss of her twins and has a true gift for putting words to her experience of grief and healing. Her bright and grounded spirit is a balm to my own grief.—Learn more about the Shine On Remembrance Run: For Pregnancy and Infant LossConnect with Amber on Instagram @shineonrunVisit taylorashleybates.com for show notes and a full transcript of this episode.Find me on Instagram @taylorashleybates

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A Rainbow Baby is a baby born subsequent to a miscarriage, stillbirth, TFMR, or the death of an infant from natural causes. This podcast follows Taylor through her journey of becoming pregnant again after her son, Ellis, was stillborn in May 2018. Also included are honest and hopeful conversations with others sharing their own Rainbow Baby stories including trying to conceive after loss, pregnancy, recurrent loss, adoption, surrogacy, and parenting after loss.