First Canadian to Walk in Space with Col. Chris Hadfield and Kevin Vidal
REACH A Space Podcast for Kids - En podcast af Soundsington Media

This week the REACH team is over the moon to have a longform sit-down with renowned author, retired astronaut, and the first Canadian to walk in space, Col. Chris Hadfield. Then we get a visit from the icy moon of Jupiter, Europa (the great Kevin Vidal!), - all on this episode of REACH. Hosts: Brian Holden and Meredith Stepien Written by: Sandy Marshall with Nate DuFort, Meredith Stepien and Brian Holden. Co-Created, Produced by: Nate DuFort and Sandy Marshall Edited by: Nate DuFort Music composed by: Jesse Case Logo by: Steven Lyons Special thanks to Col. Chris Hadfield, renowned author and retired astronaut, and the first Canadian to walk in space. To purchase a copy of The Apollo Murders and The Darkest Dark, go to Col. Chris Hadfield photo credit: Shye Klein. Col. Chris Hadfield online: Website: Twitter: @Cmdr_Hadfield Facebook: @AstronautChrisHadfield Instagram: @colchrishadfield YouTube: TikTok: @cmdr_hadfield Col. Chris Hadfield plays “Space Oddity” by David Bowie from the ISS: Europa was voiced by the great Kevin Vidal. You can catch Kevin on Working Moms, Strays, and Odd Squad: The Movie. Kevin Vidal online: Instagram: @notkevinvidal Facebook: Twitter: @notkevinvidal Special thanks to Shannon Abbott, Cheryl-Ann Horrocks, Ashley Comeau, Janet Davidson-Marshall, and our REACH learning community. All about Europa