Real Marketing Real Fast


Email deliverability tips you need to know with Alice Cornell

So the major key to deliverability, the secret is to send an email that people want.
But these days, spam is more much more likely to be mail people don't want, or are no longer interested in.
But basic things, like making sure that your welcome message is right, can make such a massive impact on your overall deliverability.
One of the things that I wanted to talk about a little was how targeting by segmentation was really hugely beneficial for us because we started treating our user base differently, depending on how engaged they were with our site.
Most email deliverability issues that I come across come down to data quality, or frequency.

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Most email deliverability issues that I come across come down to data quality, or frequency.

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Doug: Well, welcome back listeners, to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today we're going to talk about email deliverability, and my guest is Alice Cornell. She is the Director of Email Deliverability at a company, or organization, that most of you have likely heard of, After 18 years of working in the digital space for many large corporations, such as Return Path and Cheetah Mail, and a number of other email service providers, she now works for the world's biggest platform for social change. And they use email to enable 300 million users across the world to make the change that they want to see.

Doug: I think you'll enjoy the dialogue, her simple advice on how you and I can take a look at what we're currently doing in email, make some changes, and see improvement in our engagement, and our deliverability. So I'd like you to join me, and welcome Alice to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today. Hey, Alice. I'm super excited to have you on the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today. So, welcome.

Alice: Thank you so much. Thank you so much for having me.

Doug: I was really excited, and looking forward to the interviews. I was just looking at your background, and your experience in this space, where many people struggle, and often people don't realize they struggle, and that's getting their email to the inbox. Do you want to share with our listeners just a little bit of backstory, as you discuss that you worked from the ESP side, and now you're switched to the brand side, and what that looks like?

Alice: Sure. It's been an interesting transition from the ESP side through Return Path, to actually working directly for a brand. It makes me want to contact all my past customers and apologize to them because sometimes we don't realize how making a business case for deliverability can be really difficult, and now I understand that that can be a tough goal.

Doug: Yeah, absolutely. So with the work that you're doing, you're in an interesting situation, because I'm assuming that when people are using the platform that you were... So you work for, right?

Alice: That's correct.

Doug: And so, I'm assuming that you've got this massive amount of people coming through, signing up for a petition. So you're going to have all sorts of email addresses, and lots of them are not going to be business email addresses. It'd be personal email addresses. So what does that look like from your point of view, from an email marketer, making sure the message gets there, compared to what we might experience as a business? Are they the same? Are they different?

Alice: I think they are different, and I think that we have a particular challenge at Change...