Real Marketing Real Fast


Marketing funnel tips from the 28-year-old millionaire Tanner Chidester 

I have a systematic process of moving people through my marketing funnel quickly and efficiently by asking important questions. Then we sign them up for a call.
And I think it's what has allowed me to grow so fast because I'm doing things most people aren't doing and so when you do that usually it gives you an advantage over others.
I'm pretty vocal about I don't like the low ticket model for beginners. I think that that's what actually kept me stuck for the first two years.
I was like I'm going to be successful or I'm going to be homeless and when you have a mindset like that it's hard to fail.
At the end of the day it doesn't freaking matter how it works, you've just got to get it to work. As long as the lead turns into a sale you're good to go.

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I have a systematic process of moving people through my marketing funnel quickly and efficiently by asking important questions. Then we sign them up for a call.

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Doug: Well, welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. In the studio today I've got Jamie Tanner-Chidester he is a 28-year old millionaire. He is the CEO of two companies, Elite CEOs and Fit Warrior and what I want you to listen to in this episode is I want you to listen and understand how he uses pay traffic, how he started, it didn't work and how he managed to continually test and try until he got it to convert. And now he spends between $200 and $250,000 a month driving traffic to his sales funnel and operating an eight-figure business.

Doug: So Tanner has been an industry leader not only in the fitness industry but also in digital marketing and sales as well. He is a four-time winner of the 2 Comma Club in ClickFunnels and as you'll hear in this episode he is now going to the 8 Figure Funnel award. He works with Fitness Warrior which is a fitness coaching program, he helps to shred fat and eat how they want and with his business Elite CEOs, he helps fitness trainers and online businesses generate more revenue.

Doug: So if you're interested in generating more revenue, growing your business from six figures to seven or seven to eight sit back, tune-in and listen to Tanner [inaudible 00:01:20] I hope you enjoy this episode. So hey Tanner, super, super excited to have you on the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today. So welcome to the show.

Tanner Chidester: Yeah, thank you so much for having me I'm excited to talk about marketing and see what value I can provide, so thank you.

Doug: Well I mean there are two things that I found really interesting around your background and one is that you've developed a very successful business coaching people and helping them make money online and you also pay attention to your health. And you've helped people walk through the health journey and often lots of times as people build big businesses they spend all their time on the business end, they don't spend any time on their health. So if you want to just share a little bit on how you combine your passion for eating and living well, as well as building a business?

Tanner Chidester: Yeah, absolutely. So I mean ironically when I first started I didn't know what to do and I had a mentor and he was like, "Well what are you good at?" And I was like, "Well not really anything. I work hard and I work out." And he was like, "Well why don't you do fitness?" I was like, "Okay." So yeah I started off just helping people get in shape and I built that pretty big and before you knew it I ha...