Real Marketing Real Fast


Risk-free advertising online with guaranteed ROAS with Cooper Harris 

So rather than just showing a consumer cool pictures, we actually show them viable ad units from which they can actually purchase. And then we do that on a pure performance basis for our brands.
We're a tech platform behind the scenes and looking at things and making optimizations. It is literally an algorithm that uses its own learning to make decisions.
We are super conversion focused. So we really want to show the right product, the right person at the right time.
Brands are way overly dependent on Amazon. They don't own their customer, Amazon owns them.
I think it is so much more powerful and empowering for brands to have a service or a platform that helps them actually use the data to do something. And that something should be to drive sales.

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We're a tech platform and we're behind the scenes. It is performance-based, risk-free advertising, and it is literally an algorithm that uses its own learning to make decisions.

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Doug Morneau
Well, welcome back listeners another episode of Real marketing real fast. Today we are going to talk about risk-free in your advertising. So commission-based agency that will go out there and spend money talking about your products, your services, your brand, and they don't get paid unless they generate sales. So my guest today in the studio to kind of dive into this and reveal how they're making this work for their clients is Cooper Harris. Now she is a California based entrepreneur. She is the founder and the CEO of a company called publicly. It is a data-driven impulse payment platform that powers headless e-commerce. So they have emerged as a pivotal figure in the West Coast tech scene here. Cooper has been nominated for Google's young Innovation Awards. L'Oreal's digital Woman of the Year and she won information age is Women in it, as well as Entrepreneur of the Year and named by Adobe as a top thought leader at canes. Cooper's a favorite speaker at international summits, including CES canes lion shoptalk, s x s. w. Sundance, Los Angeles tech week London tech conference. And more speaking on the advances of e-commerce in retail, FinTech, and fostering women in STEM and disrupting the status quo about technology and innovation, we had a great conversation. I think you're really gonna enjoy this show. There's lots of information here. So I'd like you to join me in welcoming Cooper Harris to the real marketing real fast podcast today. So hey, Cooper, super excited to have you on the show today. So welcome to the real marketing real fast podcast.
Thanks, Doug. I'm super excited to be here.
Doug Morneau
While there were so many things in your background that you know, that piqued my interest, and obviously the big most important one is how you guys are helping come To increase their revenue through your system, but also the wonderful places that you've lived, a couple of my favorite cities visit Santa Monica and are in New York. Welcome to the show. Why don't you give us a little bit of background little oversight on what you're doing and how you're helping people?
Copper Harris
Yeah, absolutely. So, I, as you know, and maybe the listeners don't I am currently obsessed with tech, I did not start here. I started as an actor in film and TV. But then I got kind of obsessed and interested in technology and how it changes the world. So this is my second tech company. It is called Klickly like quickly spelled with a K. And we are a SaaS platform that helps over well over 1000 brands now,