Overcoming Pregnancy Anxiety

Are you pregnant now and experiencing anxiety or stress? Today we are talking about how I cope with anxiety and stress during my pregnancy.   In this episode of Real SOULutions: 03:00 - God can be a source of peace and hope 04:00 - During my 1st trimester and 2nd trimester 04:35 - Experiencing random spotting that didn't stop 09:15 - Reminding myself that stressing over something wasn’t going to change it  10:20 - Learning how to get control of my mind 14:00 - What broken records are repeating in your mind right now? 17:30 - The bible verses I usually read to remove my anxiety and stress 21:00 - Making my baby inside of me before it comes into this worl

Om Podcasten

Here at Real SOULutions you'll find unfiltered and authentic conversations about hormone health, nutrition, birth control, and all things relating to a healthy, more holistic lifestyle with registered dietitian Sarah Grace Meckelberg. We don’t pretend to have it all figured out ourselves, but what you’ll find is an outlet for soul restoration, holistic wellness, natural healing, and practical solutions, to live out your best life, in your relationships, career, personal life and health. Each episode, Sarah Grace will be bringing you a special guest or message from her, about real-life barriers standing in the way of our best lives. We hope to help you reignite your soul & health inside and out, so you can live out the life you were created for!