Episode 66: Cross the “T’s” and Dot the “I’s” - Feat. Sandra Plaunt | Real Voices Podcast

Sandra Plaunt had two goals before she reached fifty: Move to Arizona, and start working in real estate. With hard work and dedication, Sandra made both of those dreams come true, and has been working with sellers and buyers in the Grand Canyon State for six years.   After working as a paralegal for real estate attorneys, she knew that the first few years as an agent can be tough, and she worked hard to save enough money so that she could focus on learning the industry and helping her clients find their dream homes.   A self-described “control freak”, Sandra admits that handing clients to other professionals can be nerve-wracking. Her solution? Building a team of real estate professionals she can trust utterly in forging genuine connections.   Learn more about Sandra on our latest episode of “Real Voices”! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Youtube!

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Delve into these informative and motivational interviews! Real Voices aims to highlight the accomplishments and experiences of real estate agents across the nation. We get to know more about their backgrounds — and they always offer refreshing industry insights to agents at any step in their careers.