Lessons from my First High School Heartbreak

Do you remember your first heartbreak? I do! And If it wasn’t for that heartbreak I am confident I wouldn’t be here right now. It was because of that moment when I was searching for love, approval and my worthiness that I picked up the call from the Universe. You see I was destined to never love myself. Loving myself wasn’t in the generational code of women before me. I'm going to share all of this with you today. Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thenicoleweston/ Book a 15 minute connection call 15 minute check in

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I am Nicole Weston the founder of More Than Moms™ a community dedicated to helping fierce, independent and ambitious mothers who want to Redefine Motherhood so they can tap into their power and potential as a mother. Motherhood has always been about self-sacrifice and the More Than Moms™ community is dedicated to helping women redesign their own motherhood experience without resentment, guilt, rage and sacrifice. We were never taught how to mother ourselves while mothering, working, living and loving until now. Join me as we have real and important conversations on how to do it differently.