014: Developing Your Story Brand

Reframe to Create - En podcast af Joy Spencer - Onsdage


I recently got back from a girls' trip to Dakar, Senegal that completely re-energized me.     What was it that made this vacation so amazing?    Was it the spa, the food, or the shopping?    It was definitely all of these things and much more.     But one thing stood out.     Our conversations showed me one specific and important lesson about the power and significance of storytelling.    In this episode, I share what that important lesson was and why it matters for you on your creating journey.  I also share the 8 key elements you need as you begin to craft your own story. Everyone has a story that shows the world who you are and what you have to offer. So it's time you learn how to tell yours!   About: The Reframe to Create podcast is hosted by Joy Spencer, an Executive Leadership and Storytelling Coach, Speaker, and Organizational Development Consultant working with professionals and leaders at all levels within organizations.  Joy leverages over 17 years of experience she gained while working to champion change in social justice movements, including those related to global access to essential medicines and consumer advocacy for online privacy.  This work required a dogged commitment to not merely challenging the status quo, but to reimagining and working towards creating an ideal future.  It is this commitment to creating that has shaped Joy’s coaching philosophy and approach today. Using her signature C.R.E.A.T.E. framework, Joy guides her clients through a process to become incomparable in work so they can get paid to be themselves.     Follow Joy on LinkedIn  - https://www.linkedin.com/in/joy-spencer/   Resources:    Speaking Your Brand, Episode 194 - How to Structure a Movement-Making Speech using your Story https://www.speakingyourbrand.com/how-to-structure-a-movement-making-speech-using-your-story-joy-spencer-podcast-194/   Public Narrative Leadership Training with CoInnovate Consulting - https://coinnovateconsulting.com/leadership-training Contact: Sandy Dang - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandyhoadang/ and Nizar Farsakh - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nizarfarsakh/   Public Narrative: Online Course with Marshall Ganz - https://commonslibrary.org/public-narrative-curriculum/?gclid=CjwKCAjw0qOIBhBhEiwAyvVcf4lGnldgf_TbV2V6_6LfSzYVb23ZW7pLN8jcsIqNYSrfV2Knfn7V9xoCIl4QAvD_BwE    

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