075: The High Price You're Paying for Inaction
Reframe to Create - En podcast af Joy Spencer - Onsdage

Do you hope that if you leave things alone they’ll sort themselves out? Maybe you believe the old adage that “time heals all wounds”. While this may be true for some things it’s definitely not true when it comes to your gifts! In this matter, time will not lead to something better automatically. In fact, the opposite will happen in time to your creating muscles. They’ll atrophy. They’ll congeal. They’ll get flabby and weak. In this episode, I share a very squeamish personal story about how I learned that you must happen to your life and your gifts or things will fester and go very bad. I hope it inspires you to get up off the couch of your life and into your creating workshop! Hold on to your hat! About: The Reframe to Create podcast is hosted by Joy Spencer, an Executive Leadership and Storytelling Coach, Speaker, and Organizational Development Consultant working with professionals and leaders at all levels within organizations. Joy leverages over 17 years of experience she gained while working to champion change in social justice movements, including those related to global access to essential medicines and consumer advocacy for online privacy. This work required a dogged commitment to not merely challenging the status quo, but to reimagining and working towards creating an ideal future. It is this commitment to creating that has shaped Joy’s coaching philosophy and approach today. Using her signature C.R.E.A.T.E. framework, Joy guides her clients through a process to become incomparable in work so they can get paid to be themselves. Follow Joy on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/joy-spencer/ #CreateOwnStorytell