#35 Psychedelic Insights Part 2: Torsten Passie – lessons from the first psychedelic wave

In this episode you will meet, professor of psychiatry and psychotherapy at Hannover Medical school, Torsten Passie. Passie is a longstanding contributor to the psychedelic field. He has published numerous articles and books on psychedelics, such as “The Science of Microdosing Psychedelics”, “Healing with Entactogens”, and “The Pharmacology of LSD”. As mentioned in the podcast, Passie is sometimes referred to as an ‘encyclopedia’ within the psychedelic milieu. He has done remarkable work in recording and re-actualizing all the research that was conducted in what is called the first wave of psychedelic research between late 1940s and early 1970s. In the podcast we talk with Passie about the key findings from this period and about what lessons the current second wave of psychedelic research ought to acquire from previous research efforts.We hope you will enjoy the conversation! Resources:Find an online bibliography of previous psychedelic research here: Bibliography by Passie on psycholytic and psychedelic therapy research 1931-1995 https://www.samorini.it/doc1/alt_aut/lr/passie-psycholytic-and-psychedelic-therapy-research-1931-1995.pdf Host: Sidsel MarieProduction: Heine VolderMusic: Victor Lange This podcast was made in a collaboration between Regnfang and Cepda - the Danish center for psychedelic awareness.The music in the podcast was made by Victor Lange.Thank you to the OPEN Foundation for organizing and funding the ICPR conference and for providing us a quiet space during the conference for doing the podcast recordings.Illustrations by Lizette RosagerFollow the links to learn more about Cepda and Regnfang

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Regnfang Podcast er dedikeret til at udforske menneskesindet. Gennem samtaler med danske og udenlandske forskere, forfattere, litterater, kunstnere og musikere, ønsker vi at skabe bedre forståelse for, hvad der skaber vores mentale liv, samt hvordan vi selv aktivt kan være med til at forme det. I Regnfang Podcast vil du således møde alt fra kulturhistoriske, neuro-videnskabelige, filosofiske, antropologiske, religiøse og poetiske indsigter om sindet. Desuden kan du stifte bekendtskab med konkrete greb og metoder, man kan anvende til at intervenere på ens egne mentale udfoldelse, såsom meditation, åndedræt, litteratur og musik. Læs mere om Regnfang på regnfang.nu