Episode 326: A Review of Why We Are Here, Golden Portfolios, The Non-Spenders' Plague, Revisiting Shannon's Demon, Oversimplification Is NOT The Real Goal, And Emerging Market Musings

In this episode we review why we are here and then answer emails from Paulo, Paul G, and Carlos. We discuss our recent trip to the EconoMe Conference, Paulo's portfolio ideas, the plague of being unable to spend money that afflicts most popular personal finance personalities, Mark's Money Mind (a new podcast), why the Simplicity Principle should not override the Holy Grail and other investing principles, and investing from emerging market countries.Links:Mark's Money Mind podcast (YouTu...

Om Podcasten

Risk Parity Radio is a podcast about investing located at www.riskparityradio.com.  RPR explores risk-parity style portfolios comprised of uncorrelated or negatively correlated asset classes -- stocks, selected bonds, gold, managed futures, and other easily accessible fund options for the DIY investor.  The goal is to construct portfolios that are robust and can be drawn down on in perpetuity, and to maximize projected Safe Withdrawal Rates regardless of projected overall returns.