Podcast 81 - Probiotics for Your Garden with Sue Allen of Microbz

Roots and All - Gardening Podcast - En podcast af Sarah Wilson - Mandage

This week I’m speaking to Sue Allen of Microbz, which produces and distributes probiotics for gardens. The concept of probiotics in gardens is new to me, but it dovetails nicely with previous episodes looking at soil health and mycorrhizal fungi so I was delighted to speak to Sue and find out more about how probiotics work in gardens and what we can do to encourage them. Dr Ian Bedford’s Bug of the Week: Woodlice About Susan Allen  I’m co-founder and co-director of Microbz Ltd, producers and distributors of probiotics for gardens. Most of all I love gardening. I love long summer evenings out on our land nurturing our plants and vegetables, and even cold wet winter days preparing for the next season. Part of the reason I am so passionate about microbes is because I really see the difference that they have made to my garden. They really work. My soil is healthier, my plants are more robust, and the best thing is: it is all natural.  I want to share my love of using microbes so that other people feel confident to give it a go. It will benefit their health and the long-term health of soil and plants all over the UK.  About Microbz In 2007 my husband was asked to join a philanthropist who travelled the globe looking for solutions to environmental problems. His job was to mediate the potential conflicts of interest between investors and innovators. It was a fascinating time of travel and discovery.  When he got home, Jeff described the technology he saw that really excited him: Microbial Balancing Technology. The excitement we both felt for the potential of this ‘solution’ for the planet, was immediate.  We committed to learning more and quickly turned one of our outbuildings into a mini-brewery. The first brews in 5-litre jars were trialled by us, and by friends and family. Now we’re up to 100 and 300-litre containers, regular lab tests and a fully functioning business.  Our involvement with microbes is all that you would wish a love affair to be, full of enthusiasm to be learning and growing and caring for and nurturing the brews. Our hope is that every person who uses microbes sees a health benefit and is aware that they are contributing to the sustainability of our precious planet.  What we talk about: Microorganisms as the fundamental building blocks of life What microbes do in our gardens How do they work Why it’s important to have them in the soil What happens when you don't have a diversity of microbes or you use a lot of chemicals in the garden? How does introducing beneficial microbes back into your garden work?  How do microbes impact each stage of the cycle of life e.g. seeds, growth, flowering, death, decay, composting, back to new life? Links: www.microbz.co.uk  Microbz on Instagram Microbz on Facebook Susan on Facebook Probiotics Research Soil Your Undies Challenge  Life at the Edge of Sight by Scott Chimileski, Roberto Kolter  The Garden Jungle by Dave Goulson 

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