Episode 503: Katya Dreyer-Oren on Ethical Software Development

What do we owe to each other? Over the last several years, the tech industry has had a reckoning about ethics within our industry. Katya Dreyer-Oren gave a excellent talk and workshop at RubyConf in San Diego about how to ethically build software. She joined the show to share her thoughts and ideas from her experience as a student of philosophy. We’re starting something new on the podcast. We’d love to hear from you! If you have comments about this episode, send an email to [email protected]. You can send text or record a comment using Voice Memos or Google Recorder on your phone and we’ll respond to some of them in a future show.  Show Notes Talk from RubyConf 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFCoWsO3HxM&pp=ygURa2F0eWEgZHJleWVyLU9yZW4%3D Katya's Socials: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kdreyeroren/ https://twitter.com/kdreyeroren https://bsky.app/profile/kdreyeroren.bsky.social

Om Podcasten

The Ruby on Rails Podcast, a weekly conversation about Ruby on Rails, open source software, and the programming profession. Co-hosted by Elise Shaffer, Brian Mariani, Jemma Issroff and Nick Schwaderer. Edited by Peachtree Sound.