9. How Zach Smith Acquired The 'Uber of Dental' 4x Faster Than Average: Get In The Business Buying Game

E9: If you’ve read an SMB acquisition book you would have been warned that the search normally takes between 1 to 2 years. But what if you were only 4 months of dedicated focus away from closing on your first business purchase?Well, today’s guest Zach Smith (@RZachSmith) not only proves it’s possible, but he also lays out the blueprint of how you can do the same.The best part is this conversation was recorded only 2 months after Zach had taken over his new business. All of the highs and lows of the business buying process, as well as the strategies that worked best, were fresh in his mind.Topics discussed:• Process debt: The downside of buying an existing business• Modelling your risk profile to nail your ideal business acquisition• Transitioning from consultant solopreneur to acquisition entrepreneur• Acquiring ‘Uber-esque’ companies with a marketplace business model• Aligning your corporate skillset to your ideal business growth opportunity• Negotiating seller financing with incumbent business owners• Pros and cons of asset purchase vs stock purchase in acquiring businesses• The most important question to ask yourself throughout the acquisition process to stay on trackIf you’re in a regular 9 to 5 job right now, but the idea of buying a business excites you - you could be in Zach’s position in 6 months from today simply by executing the lessons from this podcast and the resources recommended by Zach.Follow along on my SMB journey:Twitter @JakeMRichardsSign up to the Salary to CEO Newsletter to catch exclusive behind the scenes content, small business tips and reminders when each episode releases:https://salarytoceo.beehiiv.com/subscribe

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Salary to CEO is the show to take you from the 9 to 5 to small business owner. Jake sits down with experienced entrepreneurs and investors to uncover their secrets on how to launch, acquire, scale and sell SMBs to generate life changing wealth. Leave the sexy unicorn startups for Silicon Valley and pursue an achievable, profitable path to becoming your own CEO by either buying small businesses that already exist or starting your own. Jake shares his own journey learning from the show's expert guests and applying their lessons to go from salaried employee to SMB owner… in real time – effectively laying out each step for any up-and-coming entrepreneur who wants to do the same. Join Jake on this mission and unlock the opportunity of small business ownership.