Episode 229: Marina Golemis, SVP of North American Sales at ShipBob — The Confidence Journey

Marina Golemis is the SVP of North American Sales at ShipBob. ShipBob is a tech-enabled fulfilment platform that supports over 7000 ecommerce companies. Under Marina’s growth they are having incredible growth as she’s touched every part of the customer acquisition process. Today Marina joins us to discuss how leaders can learn to trust themselves and their perspective and why understanding the confidence journey is so important for a sales leader. You can connect with Marina on LinkedIn here. For video excerpts of this and other episodes of the Sales Leadership Podcast, check out Sales Leadership United on Patreon Here.

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Each episode finds Rob Jeppsen and guest diving into the biggest question in business: How do you create predictable, repeatable, and scalable success? They discuss tactics and practices that the best sales leaders use to drive head-turning success. Rob lets you know what you can expect from each episode and gives you his promise: you'll leave each episode with new ideas to help you drive high growth with your team.