Episode 258: Kim Ades - Cofounder and CEO of Frame of Mind Coaching: Belief is the Foundation of All Change

Kim Ades is the co-founder and CEO of Frame of Mind Coaching. For over 20 years she has been leading the charge in teaching leaders about coaching and mindset with remarkable success. Kim helps people change how they think…so they can change how they perform. She’s helped create record performances worldwide and joins us today to share how leaders can help those they lead intentionally “trade up” their beliefs that fuel performance. You can connect with Kim on LinkedIn here. You can learn more about Frame of Mind Coaching here. For video excerpts of this and other episodes of the Sales Leadership Podcast, check out Sales Leadership United Here.

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Each episode finds Rob Jeppsen and guest diving into the biggest question in business: How do you create predictable, repeatable, and scalable success? They discuss tactics and practices that the best sales leaders use to drive head-turning success. Rob lets you know what you can expect from each episode and gives you his promise: you'll leave each episode with new ideas to help you drive high growth with your team.