Episode 14: Slap Tongue Time

Wally and Sue chat about the fine art of slap tonguing, Wally's new vintage mouthpiece, the Bell Ring from Peak Performance Woodwinds, and answer questions from the mailbag. We also announce the new "Saxophone Book Club" segment (link below). Be sure to check out our cool new Saxophone Academy Merchandise! Support the podcast and look good while you're doing it: http://tee.pub/lic/HWBEoORKtjg Peak Performance Woodwinds - Bell Ring: https://peakperformancewoodwinds.com/bell_rings Book Club: https://www.amazon.com/Inner-Game-Tennis-Classic-Performance/dp/0679778314/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2KTTR42SGZPM6&keywords=inner+game+of+tennis&qid=1566919488&s=gateway&sprefix=inner+game+of+%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-2

Om Podcasten

Dr. Wally Wallace and Susan Fancher discuss creative strategies for saxophone performance and pedagogy.