Following the Path of 'What Do I Want?" and How Intuition Plays a Big Part in the Outcome

I spoke with Leigh McFarlane on Sept 24, 2021 and it was so interesting to hear about how her roots and her skin lead her way she is today. She shares her intuition and insights into how she makes her soap so special. We even share about some wonderful resources including Dr Emoto and his work with water. So amazing to share his work spontaneouslyBioLeigh is the creative force behind The Soap Company of Nova Scotia Ltd., which produces natural soaps, skin care& cleaning products tha...

Om Podcasten

The purpose of this podcast is to talk about intuition. Do you know what that is? It is your gut instinct, street sense, inner GPS or insight. It is that inner knowing or sense of something that is true and yet there is no proof. There are so many ways it shows up. I want to normalize intuition and take it off the pedestal Everyone of us has it. Each episode we will meet an amazing guest who is just like you and me. We will be spotlighting them, their message and their tools they have to share to inspire you to stay connected to your intuition and not just acknowledge it or discount it but ACT on it. I'm looking to create a community willing to make the world a better place simply by following their intuition.