Alya Shandra - Post-Soviet transformation - Changes in Ukrainian society after Euromaidan revolution

Silicon Curtain - En podcast af Jonathan Fink

Starting from scratch in January 2014 as a citizen media initiative,  with no starting capital, Euromaidan Press is now #4 in terms of  readership among English-language media about Ukraine, as well as being a  well-known action hub connecting pro-Ukrainian activists worldwide. Alya Shandra is Editor-in-chief at Euro Maidan Press. She has a  background in environmental science and NGOs. During the Euromaidan  revolution Alya Shandra launched an indy-media outlet called Euromaidan  Press, and that project was fuelled by her interest in how to help  Ukraine permanently move beyond being a post-communist post-colony  country and evolve into becoming a free and democratic society that  tackles corruption and nepotism.

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