151. How to Stop Feeling Excluded and Find Your Tribe

Most of us have from time to time felt left out, but causes that feeling. It is because we are naturally wired to connect. You want to feel as if you are part of a group. To stop struggling socially you must make it a priority to be approachable and step into the group.  We were made to be a part of a community, and in addition to feeling complete and fulfilled, we thrive when we have meaningful relationships. Naturally, we feel left out when we aren’t connecting with a group, and today’s episode will help you to connect better and feel better. Free Course: The Assertiveness Accelerator Free Guide: The Ultimate Way to Start Conversations and Leave Them Wanting More Get on the waitlist and be the first notified when we open The School of Social Mastery Schedule  your: "Radiate Social Confidence Now" Chemistry Call   The Social Priming System: The #1 Way to create your desired social outcomes Social Confidence Pro  FREE Download: ---> Essential Business Etiquette Tips: The Definitive List of "Must-Know" social rules for success with co-workers, clients, and customers

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The Social Skills Mastery Podcast is where High-Performance Social Confidence Coach and Corporate Trainer, Susan Callender helps professionals, business owners, and entrepreneurs stand out in competitive and often high-stakes situations, by raising social capital and using the power of polished people skills to make an impact. Weekly content encompasses what to do, what to say, how to maneuver tricky situations and get it right the first time.