#204 Scott Ford is a software mender

Legacy code, often considered a daunting challenge, holds valuable lessons in its complexity. It carries the weight of decisions made in the past, and learning to navigate it can provide a rich, rewarding journey. Such is the tale of Scott Ford, a seasoned software developer who embraced this path and has gained unique insights that have shaped his career and outlook.Scott's story took us from learning BASIC, C/C++, and Object PASCAL in high school to quitting jobs every seven months because it wasn't fun. Scott told us about his love for the puzzle of discovering something new; and how it took him more than ten years to realize that this was what he longed for. He then described how he created his company Corgibytes, created the "Mender" term, and has not been quitting his job every seven months since.In this episode, Scott walks us through his journey from the early influences that inspired his interest in legacy code to developing his unique approach to understanding and improving it. He discusses the crucial role of mentors in a developer's journey and how their guidance helped him navigate his career. Scott also highlights the impact of narrative code commenting and discusses the importance of curiosity when dealing with the impulse to rewrite legacy code.If you want to learn more about the value and art of managing legacy code and get inspiration from Scott's incredible journey, tune in to this episode!Three compelling reasons to listen to this episode:Discover a unique perspective on dealing with legacy code, offering an alternative to the common impulse of rewriting.Learn about the invaluable role of mentorship in software development through Scott's personal experiences.Gain insights on the practice of narrative code commenting and how it can improve your code comprehension and teamwork.Support the show

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Becoming a software developer is a journey. The Software Developers Journey show is an inspirational podcast for software developers. Every week, a successful software engineer shares their journey and tells us what they learned.