#240 Chris Ferdinandi from HR professional to vanillajs-guy

Chris placed the start of his journey during his first career as an HR professional. We first talked about how blogging put software development on his radar and how "interesting" HR experiences slowly but indeed pushed him to transition toward web development. We explored how he gamed the recruiter systems, applied, and failed his first job interviews. We brushed over communities and how he found his first job. We talked about ADHD and how he transformed his side activities into his full-time business.Here are the links from the showhttps://gomakethings.com/dev-journey/CreditsCover Legends by HoliznaCC0 is licensed CC0 1.0 Universal License.Your host is Timothée (Tim) Bourguignon, more about him at timbourguignon.fr.Gift the podcast a rating on one of the significant platforms https://devjourney.info/subscribeSupport the show

Om Podcasten

Becoming a software developer is a journey. The Software Developers Journey show is an inspirational podcast for software developers. Every week, a successful software engineer shares their journey and tells us what they learned.