Bonus: Stories from Inside the Housing Crisis

In a bonus episode, we’re featuring stories that show how housing touches us all in different ways. Each one is a part of a bigger picture. Hear from people raised under one roof, friendships formed by city hall rivalries, classmates pulling back the curtain on their housing struggles, people who’ve fought housing discrimination for half a century, and two homeless advocates who have very different ideas for solving the same problem. This episode was made in collaboration with StoryCorps, a national nonprofit, funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which travels around the country in a mobile booth, conducting interviews and sharing highlights in their public archive. Read the transcript:

Om Podcasten

The third season of Sold Out examines the intersection of the climate and housing crises. Hosted by Erin Baldassari, the series tells the stories of families and communities throughout California, as we all grapple with the ways that climate is challenging our very idea of home, and our ability to live there. We shine a light on the solutions that can help us all face the future, highlighting the people who are actively working to protect their communities. We question assumptions that dictate how and where people live, while examining the barriers – whether political, financial or social – that hold us back from embracing or realizing change.